March 15, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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When can the amount be withdrawn?  See permitted cases

When can the amount be withdrawn? See permitted cases

These are some specific situations that allow access to the profit deposited by the Employment Compensation Fund – FGTS.

Caixa Ecomica Federal has already completed the transfer FGTS earnings, Which indicates the amounts received up to December 31, 2020. Workers with active and inactive accounts already received according to the amounts held in balances. But there is still a huge demand for information on how to withdraw this amount.

Many people ask the question: is it now possible to withdraw this money indicating FGTS profit after splitting and paying? The answer is simple and straightforward: No. There are, yes, ways to withdraw amounts from the FGTS, but as already established under Provisional Measure No. 889/2019.

These are some of the specific situations that allow access to the Employee Termination Compensation Fund – FGTS. It is necessary for the worker to work on a formal contract in order to gain access to some form of withdrawal from the FGTS, and therefore to the earnings that are added.

Withdrawal systems are listed very objectively by MP and it is clear that they remain the same, even with the profit values ​​that Caixa Econômica Federal obtained with the balance on the account. Check out some situations that allow FGTS earnings to be withdrawn:

  • Termination of withdrawal (when the worker is dismissed without just cause);
  • birthday of withdrawal (when the worker chooses to withdraw part of the amount on his/her birthday);
  • retirement (when an individual reaches retirement period);
  • people aged 70 and over;
  • In the event of the death of the pregnant woman (the family can withdraw the amount of FGTS);
  • In the case of serious or chronic diseases (this method includes dependents, among diseases are HIV, cancer, malignant tumors, etc.);
  • The contract has expired due to the extinction of the company in question;
  • upon termination of the contract after the predetermined period;
  • In cases of termination of the contract due to force majeure or reciprocity;
  • Persons who have spent three full and uninterrupted years outside the FGTS;
  • Linked accounts for which no credit has been placed for more than three years and the employee’s leave until July 13, 1990;
  • for use in home ownership;
  • Individual worker who has been discontinued within 90 days or more;
  • to settle or pay off financing debts;
  • In emergency situations caused by natural disasters where the worker’s residence area will be damaged or destroyed;
  • Upon the death of the sole proprietor or home business owner and even when the employment contract has been declared null and void.
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