February 22, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

“Why did you call me by his name?”

“Why did you call me by his name?”


Lucas costume will spend an enormous tight skirt with a woman after kissing

José Lucas Irma will accept, but will face embarrassment
© Reproduction / GlobeJosé Lucas Irma will accept, but will face embarrassment

In the next chapters of the novel wet landGive Globo TVAnd the Irma (Camila Morgado) and Jose Lucas (Erandir Santos) will kiss for the first timeAnd the But the moment will end in an awkward position for both of them. Aunt Jove (Jesuta Barbosa) He will be confused with a pawn by his father’s name, José Leoncio (Marcos Palmera), whom she’s always been in love with since she was little.

Once they met, Irma became interested in Zé Lucas, especially because of his resemblance to Zé Lêoncio. When they are on Juma’s Tapera (Alanis Guillen), the two are almost attacked by a jaguar. After that, Zé Lucas will finally invest in Irma and there will be an exchange of singing between the spouses, to reach the kiss..

“You are the most beautiful and fragrant woman I have ever met, Irma,” says Zee Lucas. However, she would miss the wrong time: “You can’t imagine how long I waited to hear this, Jose Leoncio…”, he says. “My name is Jose Lucas!” , clearly confirms. “I’m sorry…” Irma will say, embarrassed. “You have nothing to apologize for… We’d better go,” Pawn replies.

After that, the two returned to Zé Leôncio’s farm, where Zé tried to avoid Irma. But he will return to the topic:He asks, “Why did you call me by his name?” to me. Irma explains that being with you brings me so many memories.”Trying to find a way out. “Memories are not mine,” replies the pawn. “Memories of who I was, Zee Lucas… of the woman I could have been, and next to you I see I could be again,” explains Jove’s aunt.

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