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With the US visa queue increasing, interviews in Brazil will be sold out by December 2022

With the US visa queue increasing, interviews in Brazil will be sold out by December 2022

There are no dates on the calendar of interviews for obtaining a US visa required to travel to the United States until December 2022. Retention is created by closing US embassies in Brazil due to corona virus infection. Embassies are struggling to keep up with the demand, despite reports that the country’s borders will reopen on November 8. The U.S. embassy says visas will be issued again next month, but no new dates for the scheduled interview have been announced yet.

Before embassies were closed due to the epidemic, the wait between visits and interviews required for the visa process lasted an average of 15 days. Now, those who want to travel to the country and need to get or renew the document have to wait up to a year and 2 months. Exception visas for students and those in emergency situations.

Especially at this time when the borders are reopening, the retention is seen with concern by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ithamaratti said Condition Negotiate with the US Embassy in Brazil to reduce the retention process in the visa process, but the US government is sovereign in regulating the flow of aid.

The U.S. embassy said it was working to “safely resume regular visa services soon.” But, according to the agency, the health crisis and travel restrictions “still affect the number of visas processed at our embassies and consulates”.

The U.S. diplomatic representative said services would return from November, but did not define specific procedures for resumption. Oh Condition When asked by the embassy about the current number of people queuing to get a visa, no answer was forthcoming.

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This is an immeasurable number, according to companies that offer consulting services to customers who are comfortable obtaining a visa. “Before the outbreak, the embassy in S சாo Paulo served 3,000 people a day.

Travel agencies say the number of Brazilians interested in traveling to the country has increased by 400% since the United States announced its intention to reopen borders to foreign travelers. However, interested parties face difficulty in obtaining or renewing a visa because many of them lost their validity during the outbreak. The perspective is that the search will be further enhanced by the confirmation of the reopening date of the US borders made on the 15th.

Magda Nasser, president of the Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies (ABAV), said companies were meeting with embassies to work out plans to reduce retention. He hopes embassies will at least ease the process for those who want to renew their visa. “The biggest interest from the goal is to get consumers, so we hope they make this process easier to change the flow,” he said.

In 2019, 2.1 million Brazilians went to the United States, according to a report by the U.S. Department of National Tourism and Tourism. It is the second most sought after destination in Brazil, next to Argentina. “Brazilians are the most expensive consumers in the United States. For them, advance payment for these visas can be very beneficial,” Magda added.

The orientation of the consultants is that Brazilians who want a visa must submit all documents, including the payment of the visa fee, before the interview stage. “There is already a dam. If we don’t do everything we can now, there could be an explosion in demand soon, which will make it even harder to get a visa,” said Mike Mendes, a consultant at Wau Bra.

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In addition, Brazilians with scheduled interviews are likely to create new vacancies in 2022. “We already see this happening in some cases. But, so far, we have no guarantee that new applicants will come. We can pass the interview stage next year,” says Gilherm Carvalho.

Ask your questions:

How long have the interviews been sold out?

The planning of new interviews for obtaining a visa to the United States has been completed by this Friday, December 22, 2022. There is no open calendar yet to schedule interviews for 2023. However, those who have already scheduled the interview will not be able to reschedule the scheduled date in the future.

What are the opportunities for feedback on interviews?

According to the US Embassy in Brazil, visa processing is expected to resume in November 2021. With that, scheduled interviews should begin. No date has been set yet, but it will be released soon.

I urgently need to go to America. Should I wait until December 2022?

No. Embassies specialize in student visas and close relatives’ funerals, medical treatment (or other emergency medical procedures) and other emergencies such as the commencement of classes.

Do I have to wait for new dates to start my visa process?

Prior to the interview, it is recommended that the entire visa process, including the payment of the visa fee, be completed as soon as possible. After that, you have to wait for the table. Even if it sells out by the end of 2022, some are likely to leave – leading to the appearance of next year’s dates.

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