March 10, 2025

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Withdrawal from the FGTS is issued to a group of workers;  See how it works

Withdrawal from the FGTS is issued to a group of workers; See how it works

Anniversary of withdrawal from the FGTS (Employee Guarantee Fund) is a way for the worker to obtain additional income. October payments started.

This Friday (1/10), FGTS birthday pull The (Employee Compensation Fund) has been released for people born in the month of October. Deposits were released only to those who joined the method before the start of the month’s payments.

Remember that Christmas Withdrawal was created as an option to partially withdraw FGTS funds. The idea of ​​the government, when publishing the method, was to provide additional income to the worker. In general, the FGTS is paid only in case of unfair dismissal and other cases provided by law. Transfers are done by Caixa.

Check the birthday loot values

As it is known, the birthday loot values ​​are partial. Funds are released according to the amount of resources available in the beneficiary’s accounts. Therefore, there is a rule that determines the percentage of money. research:

  • Up to R$500.00: 50.0%;
  • R$500.01 to R$1,000.00: 40.0%;
  • From 1,000.01 reais to 5,000.00 reais: 30.0%;
  • From R$ 5,000.01 to R$ 10,000: 20.0%;
  • From R$10,000.01 to R$15,000: 15.0%;
  • R$ 15,000.01 to R$ 20,000: 10.0%;
  • Above 20000.01 Brazilian Real: 5.0%.

In addition to the expected percentage, beneficiaries who have more than R$1,000.01 in their accounts can still count on an additional amount, as required by law.

How to join the birthday loot

To join the withdrawal birthday, the FGTS beneficiary must follow the instructions listed below:

  • Download the FGTS app (Android where iOS);
  • After that, log into your account with your login and password. If you are not yet registered, register for free;
  • Then press “My FGTS”;
  • There will be a “Christmas withdrawal” option. Let’s go
  • After a few seconds, a new page will open. A must read long text containing the terms and conditions of Christmas plunder;
  • If you agree, press OK;
  • After that, click on “Join Cashout-Birthday”;
  • ready. Each month in which it is an anniversary, Caixa Econômica Federal will pay the FGTS Anniversary Draw, according to the above schedule.

The interested party also has the option to anticipate the birthday of the withdrawal. However, fees and interest are calculated for the transaction. If you choose regular payment, there are no fees.

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