March 10, 2025

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Without talking about Akira Sato, SC talked about being accused of illegal bidding

Without talking about Akira Sato, SC talked about being accused of illegal bidding

A memorandum from the General Secretariat of the Administration of Santa Catarina “refutes the illegality” in the case cited as the reason for the departure of the civil police chief from office

Nearly 24 hours after the start of rumors about the resignation of the general delegate of Santa Catarina Civil PoliceAnd Loreto Akira SatoSanta Catarina State Government This issue has not yet been officially demonstrated.. However, it issued an official memorandum “refuting the illegality” in the case cited as the reason for the departure of the civilian police chief from his post.

Loreto Akira Sato, Chief of Police & # 8211;  Photo: Julio Cavalero/Disclosure/NDLoreto Akira Sato, Chief of Police – Photo: Julio Cavalheiro / Divulgação / ND

delegate They will feel pressured With a request to replace the coordinator of police stations specialized in combating corruption with the civil police, Rodrigo Schneider, who was responsible for investigations into Alleged corruption case attempted in the port of São Francisco do Sul.

He said, “The Minister of State for Administrative Affairs refutes any claim of illegal contracting with a software supplier company to manage the state government’s performance indicators.”

The process “strictly complies with all legal requirements”. Also according to the text, “The Public Ministry of Santa Catarina also hired the same instrument due to its inoperability. This reference provided the security necessary to initiate the process within the Secretariat.”

In this Friday (1) issue of “The Official Gazette of the State”And There is no publication that exonerates SatoNot to mention the appointment of a new head of the Civil Police. Instead, Akira Sato signs official documents with administrative decisions relating to the position.

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Fifteen days in office

Searched by blog, and Governor Carlos Moises (no party)He has not yet commented on the case. Akira Sato Replacing Delegate Paulo Queric as Chief of the Civil Police Santa Catarina.

Koerich Kan Announcing the first name of the highest government level Its production had been built since the end of 2020, when the delegate stopped Minister of State for Public Security, No Relay between the heads of the forces.

In contrast to this Friday (1) episode, the information regarding the change in position was announced through an official memorandum signed by the Governor himself, issued on September 16, Thursday.

disappointed expectation

Since a week, Loreto Akira Sato gave an interview to blog Fabio Gadotti. The delegate stated that the measure would focus on assessing police officers and improving techniques in light of the “excellent budget”.

Read the full official note below

The Secretary of State for Administrative Affairs (SEA) refutes any claim of illegality in contracting with a software vendor to manage performance indicators for the state government.

The process strictly complies with all legal requirements. It is important to highlight that the same tool was also hired by the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina due to its inoperability. This reference provided the security necessary to move the process forward within the SEA.

We also confirm that the adoption of this administrative model in the state’s public administration, which includes holding weekly meetings to monitor action plans aimed at improving the performance of indicators using the contracted technological tool, contributed to making Santa Catarina the second state. With the state’s most efficient public body in the Competitiveness Ranking 2021, prepared by CLP – Center for Public Leadership.

Additional and supplemental information follow below

Clarifications on obtaining software licenses for managing state government performance indicators

Considering the dissemination of information on recruitment, by the Secretary of State for Administration (SEA), of a software vendor to manage performance indicators for the state government, we make the following clarifications:

By approving Supplementary Law 741, dated June 12, 2019, it was emphasized in Article 1, paragraph 2, that the management model of the state public administration should be implemented through performance and results indicators;

For this purpose, a scientifically recognized methodology, with proven practical application and used within the state government since 2011 which has public officials expert in its use, has been selected, thus eliminating the need to hire external consultants;

The construction of the indicators that make up the management model was carried out together with technical teams from all departments, institutions and autonomous authorities, in more than 200 meetings;

Parallel to this process, the computational tool was started contracting, in a SaaS (software with a service) method, capable of periodically monitoring indicators based on access to state government databases and other information sources, within parameters defined by the methodology used in building the model;

To this end, the Strategic Environmental Assessment directed the administrative process SEA 13318/2019, with the aim of completing the bidding on this contract, justifying the need for the system, stating its objective, the benefits to be achieved, the criteria for determining quantities, and allocation. training;

The reference term for a quote has been sent to eleven technology companies. Only one company returned with the commercial offer, two reported that their solutions did not have the required scope and the others did not return to demand, even with a repeat request for quotation;

In addition, during the instructions for the administrative process, documents proving the exclusivity of the only company that submitted the commercial offer were attached to the records, making the bid unenforceable, in accordance with Article 25, of Law No. 8.666 / 1993;

It is important to highlight that the same tool was also hired by the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina due to its inoperability. This reference provided the security necessary to move the process forward within the SEA.

The SaaS leased platform allows the use of unlimited licenses, which are distributed and used by servers in all state executive branches. The amount paid for using the system is 26 thousand riyals per month.

Finally, we affirm that the adoption of this management model in the state public administration, which includes weekly meetings to monitor action plans aimed at improving the performance of indicators using the contracted technological tool, has contributed to making Santa Catarina the second most efficient state. The public apparatus of the state in the Competitiveness Ranking 2021, prepared by the CLP – Center for Public Leadership.